1. In R, save plots as postscript (or png) files by adding sequence number. For example,
postscript(sprintf("%04d.eps", i))
2. By using ImageMagick’s convert command line tool, convert images from eps to png (You may skip if you have png files)
for f in *.eps; do convert -rotate 90 $f png32:$f.png; done
You may want to add the following options:
-resize 1280x720 : change image size
-bordercolor white -border 0x0 : add white background
3. Create AVI by using ffmpeg
ffmpeg -r 15 -sameq -i %04d.eps.png out.avi
You can control frame rate (-r rate) and quality (-sameq or –b bitrate)
If you need speed-up in conversion, you may try to use a bash script parallel.sh in http://pebblesinthesand.wordpress.com/2008/05/22/a-srcipt-for-running-processes-in-parallel-in-bash/
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