Thursday, March 29, 2007

Moab dashboard or memejob portlet configuration

1. memejob-portlet
a. Copy memejob-portlet.war to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
b. Modify ./WEB-INF/portlet.xml as follows:
Basically, by using memejob-portlet, memejob can be send to multiple sites as shown in "hostnames" parameters. If you don't need multiple site, only one host name in "hostnames" parameter will be enough. The other values should be set with similar way.
-. hostnames : list of hosts to submit meme job. Comma separated and no space between them.
-. batchhostnames : list of hosts names for batch job submission
-. commandset: list of meme execution file path. The order must be the same with list of hostnames
-. pathset : list of path env. The order must be the same with list of hostnames.
-. gridftpservers : list of ftp servers for each host shown in hostnames.

2. moab-dashboard
a. Copy moab-dashboard.war to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
b. Modify ./WEB-INF/portlet.xml as follows:
moab-dashboard portlet can support executing moab command in multiple sites. You can specify either list of sites in "hostnames" or one site if you want only support only one site.
-. hostnames: list of host names
-. commandset: list of path of moab command. The order should be same with hostnames.
-. checkjob: list of path of 'checkjob' command.

3. Displaying in OGCE portal

When the deployed portlet is shown as a non-portlet web application in “Adminitration” tab of OGCE, we can change it as a portlet application as follow:

a. In “Administration” tab, type “moab-dashboard”(or memejob-portlet) in “Deploy new portlet webapp” and click “Deploy” button. If successful, you can see “moab-dashboard” in “Portlet web applications” section. You may need to refresh the screen by visiting other tab or re-logging.

b. Go to “Welcome” tab, check “moab-dashboard”(or memejob-portlet) in “Configure group membership” and click “Save” button. You can see a new tab named “MOAB Dashbarod”(or “Meme job”)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Status Report for 03/22/07 to 03/28/07

1. STFILTER and AnalyzeTseriService
I have made AnalyzeTseriService more self-contained that the service can get environmental parameters as well as array of time series data. Thus, STFILTER application can query more dynamically from the AnalyzeTseriService service. However, the better way is to make the service receive a bean as an input parameter so that a client only needs to send only a bean.

During the last week, I have been busy in doing some class project. I'm planning to upgrade STFILTER portlet and investigate on Network Weather Service.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Status Report for 03/15/07 to 03/21/07

1. STFILTER portlet
I have developed STFILTER portlet by converting stand alone STFILTER application which is using both JSF and JSTL tag. In the conversion process, I faced a problem for some reason that JSTL tag didn’t work with portlet environment. Especially, JSTL’s EL expression didn’t parse correctly, such as ${bean.param} or ${0}, to evaluate bean property or expressions. To overcome the problem, I put the following code inside JSP scriplet in .jsp file:

FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Application app = context.getApplication();
ValueBinding vbName = app.createValueBinding("#{stfilterBean.graphName}");
String[] strName = (String[]) vbName.getValue(context);

Then, use JSTL tag as follows:

2. Network Weather Service
I'm still looking around to get network bandwidth information from Network Weather Service.

STFILTER portlet configuration

To make STFILTER portlet work, the following values should be set properly.
  1. Replace Google key according to the site url in the following files: allstations.jsp, map.jsp, and NewProject.jsp which are in the installed directory. For example, replace _new_key_ in
    You can have new Google key from
  2. In ./WEB-INF/faces-config.xml, values should be set as follow:
    -. contextUrl : context manager web service url
    -. contextBasePath : context manager base path
  3. work.dir value in ./WEB-INF/web.xml should be replaced. Note that this directory should be accessible by using httpd
  4. Specify SOPAC GPS parameters in ./WEB-INF/classes/

Monday, March 12, 2007

Status Report for 03/08/07 to 03/14/07

1. User Interface using JavaScript
I have been trying to improve user interface of st_filter, mostly focusing on using JavaScript and I found that a few useful sites:
  • Yahoo UI: A few ready-to use components such as calendar and dialog box. A few basic tools for developing UI are also available such as event handling and DOM.
  • JavaScript Image Cropper UI: If one need to handle images, this tool might be helpful. A very handy script to make an image cropper.
  • : You can make lots of effects on objects in HTML.
  • Prototype: A framework. I was surprised how JavaScript is complicated and can be improved by applying OOP and functional programming language concept. More details on JavaScript as a programming language can be found in here . Especially video clips by Douglas Crockford are my recommendation.

2. st_filter portlet
I’ve started to convert standalone st_filter web application into a portlet. I’ve encountered a few problems but I think it can be solved soon. I will put some summary in the next post.

3. Workflow mapping in Grids
I discussed with Yili about gathering information from Network Weather Service and GPIR to schedule workflow. Although simple information can be obtainable, more complicated and detail information is hard to get. I will look over again beyond documentation and look at the source code, if possible.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Status Report for 03/01/07 to 03/07/07

1. Time series analysis graph
I have developed drawing graphs by using BHO's graph library for the last week. To make the graph interactively, we need to combine javascript with the BHO's graphic lib.

The code will draw a line graph with the vector data obtained by stfilterBean.getFilteredList(). To patch data iteratively, JSTL's c:foreach statement is used. To use JSTL, we make two jar files, jstl.jar and standard.jar, available in the library path. For better UI interface, the next step will be using Yahoo's UI library (

2. Workflow mapping in Grids
a. GPIR client (Done last week)
b. Network Weather Service (Done) : I had trouble in generating a client from WSDL of Network Weather Service by running WSDL2JAVA. I figured it out by installing a newest version of axis library. Now it's working correctly. I will discuss with Yili for more details
c. Running time prediction (Not yet) : I will discuss with Yili.