Wednesday, March 21, 2007

STFILTER portlet configuration

To make STFILTER portlet work, the following values should be set properly.
  1. Replace Google key according to the site url in the following files: allstations.jsp, map.jsp, and NewProject.jsp which are in the installed directory. For example, replace _new_key_ in
    You can have new Google key from
  2. In ./WEB-INF/faces-config.xml, values should be set as follow:
    -. contextUrl : context manager web service url
    -. contextBasePath : context manager base path
  3. work.dir value in ./WEB-INF/web.xml should be replaced. Note that this directory should be accessible by using httpd
  4. Specify SOPAC GPS parameters in ./WEB-INF/classes/

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