Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Status Report for 03/15/07 to 03/21/07

1. STFILTER portlet
I have developed STFILTER portlet by converting stand alone STFILTER application which is using both JSF and JSTL tag. In the conversion process, I faced a problem for some reason that JSTL tag didn’t work with portlet environment. Especially, JSTL’s EL expression didn’t parse correctly, such as ${bean.param} or ${0}, to evaluate bean property or expressions. To overcome the problem, I put the following code inside JSP scriplet in .jsp file:

FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Application app = context.getApplication();
ValueBinding vbName = app.createValueBinding("#{stfilterBean.graphName}");
String[] strName = (String[]) vbName.getValue(context);

Then, use JSTL tag as follows:

2. Network Weather Service
I'm still looking around to get network bandwidth information from Network Weather Service.