Sunday, December 21, 2008

Flash 3D Engine: Sandy3D Vs. Papervision3D

Inspired by an article compared performance between Away3D vs. Papervision3D, I’ve just wanted to compare simple performance Sandy 3D (3.1 AS3) vs. Papervision 3D (2.0. Revision 849. Code name: Greate White) in rendering 1,000 objects.

As a result, the papervision3D is faster than Sandy3D by roughly 2~3 times or even more. My benchmark implementations of both Sandy and Papervision3D and source codes are available. 

Optimization advice of Sandy can be found here.

How to Parallelize

I’ve found a very good introduction about how to parallelize applications from

Especially, a few tools are very helpful to analyze the code at the beginning stage:

1. gprof – profiler. Help to decide which part should look at. Consider to use a pthread wrapper available at

2. helgrind – To detect race conditions

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

GCC 4.3.2 Compilation and OpenMP


In order to try OpenMP3.0, I had been trying to install gcc-4.3.2 on an x86_64 Linux box without any luck. I got the following error in building gcc-4.3.2

/usr/bin/ld: crti.o: No such file: No such file or directory

It turns out that I need 32bit libc for cross-compilation which I can’t install since I’m not a superuser. The workaround is to disable this feature by using “--disable-multilib” option as follow:

./configure –-disable-multilib

After installation, if you meet the following error in compiling OpenMP file:

gcc: libgomp.spec: No such file or directory,

find libgomp.spec under /path/to/gcc/lib64 and make a symbolic link under /path/to/gcc/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.3.2 (See [2])

[1] gcc-help mailing list
[2] OpenMP in 30 Minutes