a. Copy memejob-portlet.war to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
b. Modify ./WEB-INF/portlet.xml as follows:
Basically, by using memejob-portlet, memejob can be send to multiple sites as shown in "hostnames" parameters. If you don't need multiple site, only one host name in "hostnames" parameter will be enough. The other values should be set with similar way.
-. hostnames : list of hosts to submit meme job. Comma separated and no space between them.
-. batchhostnames : list of hosts names for batch job submission
-. commandset: list of meme execution file path. The order must be the same with list of hostnames
-. pathset : list of path env. The order must be the same with list of hostnames.
-. gridftpservers : list of ftp servers for each host shown in hostnames.
2. moab-dashboard
a. Copy moab-dashboard.war to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
b. Modify ./WEB-INF/portlet.xml as follows:
moab-dashboard portlet can support executing moab command in multiple sites. You can specify either list of sites in "hostnames" or one site if you want only support only one site.
-. hostnames: list of host names
-. commandset: list of path of moab command. The order should be same with hostnames.
-. checkjob: list of path of 'checkjob' command.
3. Displaying in OGCE portal
When the deployed portlet is shown as a non-portlet web application in “Adminitration” tab of OGCE, we can change it as a portlet application as follow:
a. In “Administration” tab, type “moab-dashboard”(or memejob-portlet) in “Deploy new portlet webapp” and click “Deploy” button. If successful, you can see “moab-dashboard” in “Portlet web applications” section. You may need to refresh the screen by visiting other tab or re-logging.
b. Go to “Welcome” tab, check “moab-dashboard”(or memejob-portlet) in “Configure group membership” and click “Save” button. You can see a new tab named “MOAB Dashbarod”(or “Meme job”)